Five minors arrested for assaulting and robbing a man on Front Street

Five minors arrested for assaulting  and robbing a man on Front Street

Camera footage shows a man in his forties being attacked from behind, struck with a piece of wood, and then assaulted by five boys, one of whom delivers a karate kick that slams the victim against a shop’s rolling shutter.

PHILIPSBURG--Five minors have been arrested by detectives of St. Maarten Police Force KPSM in connection with a violent assault and robbery that took place on Front Street on the evening of September 8, 2024. The incident, involving a group of minors attacking a man, was caught on video and widely circulated on social media, sparking public outrage.

  Following a review of the footage and the collection of evidence, KPSM identified the suspects as two 14-year-olds and three 15-year-olds. The minors were arrested on the morning of Friday, September 20, 2024, at approximately 9:00am.

  KPSM detectives, along with the Juvenile Division, are continuing their investigation. Authorities are not only focusing on the minors' actions but are also examining the role of their parents, stressing the importance of parental responsibility in such cases.

  Despite their age, the minors will face charges related to assault and public disorder. KPSM is also calling on parents, schools, and the community to take a more proactive role in guiding and supervising young people to prevent such incidents from occurring.

  Further updates will be provided as the investigation progresses. KPSM remains committed to maintaining the safety and security of all residents.

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