Power outages disrupt travelers at Princess Juliana Airport once again

Power outages disrupt travelers at  Princess Juliana Airport once again

Passengers at Princess Juliana International Airport are faced with delays due to a power outage on Saturday.


PHILIPSBURG—On Saturday, Princess Juliana International Airport was once again plunged into darkness, leaving travelers stranded and frustrated. “This recurring issue raises serious questions about the reliability of our electrical supply and the maintenance of the airport’s infrastructure,” said Member of Parliament (MP) Omar Ottley.

  MP Ottley voiced his frustration, questioning whether the airport’s generator failure was due to frequent power outages or poor maintenance. “This situation is unacceptable,” he said. “The airport is the first point of contact for many visitors, and these outages not only disrupt operations but damage our reputation as a premier tourist destination.”

  The impact of these outages extends beyond the inconvenience of delayed flights and disrupted operations, MP Ottley remarked. “It creates a negative traveler experience that could deter future visitors from choosing St. Maarten as their destination.”

  “We must ensure our infrastructure can meet the demands placed on it,” Ottley added, calling on the government and utility company GEBE to address these problems immediately.

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