Gendarmes hold shooting suspect

~ Extradition to Dutch side pending ~

MARIGOT--One suspect in the Wednesday afternoon shooting spree in Sucker Garden aimed at Dutch-side police officers was detained by Gendarmes later the same evening, Gendarmerie Commandant Sébastien Manzoni confirmed on Thursday. The other suspect is still at large.

Manzoni said the suspect is in custody after he was arrested on Coralita Road between French Quarter and Oyster Pond. An extradition process is being prepared and the suspect is expected to be delivered to the Dutch-side authorities between now and the weekend.

At least six Gendarmerie patrols joined the Dutch-side police units in a house-to-house and street-by-street search in French Quarter on Wednesday afternoon and evening. The suspect was located hiding in a house and was in possession of a weapon. Witnesses were also a help in locating the suspect.

The investigation continues.

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