Lions Club hands out refreshments to pupils in back-to-school project

Lions Club hands out refreshments  to pupils in back-to-school project

St. Maarten Lions Club members greeted Helmich Snijders Hillside Christian School and Ruby Labega Primary School pupils with snacks and drinks last week as part of the club’s Back to School Project.


SUCKER GARDEN--St. Maarten Lions Club members greeted pupils of Helmich Snijders Hillside Christian School and Ruby Labega Primary School last Thursday as part of the club’s back-to-school project.

  The club had plenty of snacks, water and juice on hand to welcome the pupils on the first day of the new academic year. They welcomed the new and returning children with smiles and words of encouragement as the youngsters headed to their assigned classrooms.

  “We wanted to do something special to welcome our students back to school and help them feel excited about learning,” said St. Maarten Lions Club President La-Teen Clark. “We hope to show our students that the community is here to support them every step of the way.”

  The club said its back-to-school project was organised by Youth and Education Committee Chairperson Denise Williams-Warner and her committee members.

  “The Back to School Project is just one of the many initiatives led by St. Maarten Lions Club to support students and families throughout the year. By providing not only academic resources but also creating a positive and welcoming environment, the project aims to set the tone for a successful school year ahead,” the club said in a press release on Saturday.

  “The St. Maarten Lions Club is grateful to its members, the community, companies, and various organisations for helping to make initiatives like the back-to-school project successful; recognising the significance and that everyone must work together to bring about positive change in our community.”

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