Rare, old book, ‘Flowers in Color’ donated to St. Maarten Library

Rare, old book, ‘Flowers in Color’  donated to St. Maarten Library

From left: Wally Belinsky, Head of Acquisitions at the St. Maarten Library Shirley Richardson, and Chris Belinsky.

PHILIPSBURG--The St. Maarten Library said it is honoured to have a rare and historically significant book added to its collection: the first American edition of “Flowers in Color”, originally published in 1948, edited by J.F.C. Dix and Walter Roozen with revisions by W.E. Shewell-Cooper.

  The book – which carries the special dedication, By Gracious Permission to H.M. Queen Wilhemina of the Netherlands – was donated to the library by Wally and Chris Belinsky. They found the book in the collection of their father Timofei, who was also an artist.

  Shirley Richardson, Head of Acquisitions at the St. Maarten Library, officially received the donation from the Belinskys and thanked them. She said the book will be available for public viewing soon.

  “The Belinsky family, long-time visitors to St. Maarten for over 40 years, is currently enjoying a two-week stay on the island. Their generous contribution underscores their deep connection to the community and their desire to enrich the cultural heritage of St. Maarten,” the library said in a press release on Friday. “The inclusion of ‘Flowers in Color’ in the library’s non-fiction collection not only honours the legacy of the former queen but also brings a significant and unique enrichment to the library’s offerings.”

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