Lions Club in Statia installs new board

Lions Club in Statia  installs new board

New St. Eustatius Lions Club President Shanna Mercera-Gibbs called persons who have helped the club over the years to stand and be honoured.

ST. EUSTATIUS--The St. Eustatius Lions Club installed a new board in a ceremony at Ernest “Mike” van Putten Youth Centre/Lions Den last Wednesday, with Shanna Mercera-Gibbs becoming club president for the second time.

In addition to Mercera-Gibbs, the new board comprises Rohan de Graf (vice president), Charmaine Turner (secretary), Koos Sneek (treasurer), Cherile van Putten (membership director), Bernadine Pandt (zone chair) and Ramona Hendricks-Duinkerk (Lion tamer).

page12b019eThe new St. Eustatius Lions Club board for 2024-2025. From left: Ramona Hendricks-Duinkerk, Cherile van Putten, Rohan de Graf, Charmaine Turner, Shanna Mercera-Gibbs, Bernadine Pandt and Koos Sneek.Turner gave the welcome address, which was followed by a minute of silence for world peace and an invocation by club member Denise Berkel.

Later, the club presented a Melvin Jones Fellowship (MJF) to Turner, Van Putten and, in a surprise twist, to Mercera-Gibbs.

MJF awards are given to Lions Club members who have donated US $1,000 to the club, or have had that sum donated by someone else on their behalf.

Mercera-Gibbs also honoured persons who have “always been there for the club” and who could “always be relied upon any time the club required help”. These were Glennis Simmons, Joniedee Bolan, Jennifer Simmons, Shomica Griffith, Mertra Suares, Marcella Marsdin, Althea Merkman, Andres Mercera and Patsy Blijden.

Mercera-Gibbs also specially thanked vice president De Graf and his wife Nadine.

The ceremony ended with a dinner.

The Daily Herald

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