New fire truck augments Fire and Rescue Service

New fire truck augments  Fire and Rescue Service

Launch of the new R7 fire truck.

ANGUILLA--The Anguilla Fire and Rescue Service held a formal ceremony to officially welcome a new Rosenbauer Panther, (known as R7) which will be added to the Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport’s collection of vehicles. This crash tender was manufactured by Rosenbauer Austria and tailored explic-itly for the Anguilla Fire and Rescue Service.

The truck is a six-wheel-drive vehicle with 12,000 litres of water, 1,200 litres of foam, and 225 kilo-grams of dry chemicals. These resources are essential for responding to any incident at the airport.

The arrival of this new crash tender expands the fleet to three and enhances the airport's capacity to accommodate large commercial aircraft in the future.

Governor Julia Crouch said that the government should be commended for their investment and Rosenbauer/Infocom Ltd. for their commendable resilience in manufacturing the vehicles. She also thanked the men and women of the Fire and Rescue Service for their support and maintenance of the fire trucks.

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