New Secretary-General starts work in Préfecture

MARIGOT--The new Secretary-General for the Préfecture in St. Martin and St. Barths, Thierry Mahler, was introduced to the press on Monday, on his first day of work.

  Mahler replaces Mathieu Doligez who left in September 2015. Up to now the Secretary-General duties had been assumed by Chef de Cabinet, Emmanuel Effantin.

  It is the first time the Préfecture has a Secretary-General who is also a Sous-Préfet nominated by decree from the President of the Republic on July 19, 2016.

  Mahler (56) has some 30 years of experience as a functionary in a number of administrative fields, notably in industry, economy, and social affairs. This is his first posting overseas. For the past four years he has been executing the public policies for Direction Régionale in the Ministry of Overseas Territories.

  He said he was looking forward “to getting stuck into the job to serve St. Martin and estimated he would quickly find his feet.

  “My posting is effectively reinforcing the management and giving extra impetus to the services of the Prefecture,” he noted. 

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