MHF intern Sybren Lemstra, MHF receptionist Curtroy Walsh, Ombudsman Gwendolien E. Mossel, MHF Executive Assistant Cyrille Brooks and Ombudsman Investigator Florence Marlin.
CAY HILL--St. Maarten Ombudsman Gwendolien E. Mossel paid an informative visit to Mental Health Foundation (MHF) on March 22, based on a request from MHF Interim Director Eileen Healy.
Healy extended the invitation to introduce the new Ombudsman to staffers and to provide a clear explanation of the list of services provided by the foundation.
MHF said in a press release on Monday that Mossel was “well-engaged” and asked “tough questions” as she was enlightened by staffers about their various roles at the foundation and the importance of mental health care in St. Maarten.
MHF Executive Assistant Cyrille Brooks said MHF is dedicated to providing the best psychiatric care possible to persons in need in St. Maarten despite facing many challenges.
Mossel will be hosting informative meetings in several communities April 2-4 to get first-hand feedback on the concerns, grievances and complaints of the public as well as to continue to promote awareness on the role of the institution.
For more information on the sessions call tel. 542-1250 or e-mail
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