One new case in St. Martin as of Saturday, ARS confirms

One new case in St. Martin  as of Saturday, ARS confirms

MARIGOT—A new COVID-19 case was confirmed in St. Martin on Saturday by health agency ARS. The patient is under home monitoring.

  Cumulative cases in St. Martin is now three; the latest case under surveillance at home, one hospitalized, and one evacuated to Guadeloupe University Hospital CHU for pregnancy monitoring. Two former COVID-19 patients have been cured. In St. Barths the situation remains unchanged:  three cases, one of whom was recently cured.

  “The containment measures recommended to the whole population and particularly to the contact cases reflect the first results in the progression of the number of confirmed cases,” ARS said in its release. “However, the virus may circulate in a way that is not very symptomatic and it is therefore essential to respect the hygiene barrier measures. Awareness of the importance of containment must not be relaxed, on the contrary, it must be reinforced. Stay at home, limit your movements drastically, respect the barrier measures.

  “This is the only way we will be able to limit the number of cases together, and help our health professionals, whom we would like to thank very much for the enormous amount of work they have already done.

  “The platform ARS RIPOSTE COVID 19 at (0590) 99. 14. 74 (from 8:00am to 6:00pm 7/7) open since yesterday has received 50 calls as of 11:00am. It is gradually increasing, so we must give it the benefit of the adaptation time and avoid saturating it just for information that can be obtained via the infocoronavirusCOVID-19 site/ or the 0800 130 000 number.”

   As a reminder the platform mainly aims to inform the population about the Covid19 epidemic, to reinforce the City-Hospital coordination, to offer a telemedicine solution to health professionals  of Guadeloupe in order to better follow Covid-19 patients while reducing as much as possible the Patient-Caregiver contacts, to contribute to spread the prevention messages to slow down the epidemic (containment, barrier measures).

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