Plastic recycling social workspace launches pilot

Plastic recycling social  workspace launches pilot

WYCCF staff talking to Perpetual Plastics’ technical coordinator.

PHILIPSBURG--Perpetual Plastics (PP), an initiative under Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) Foundation, has launched a social workspace with a pilot that includes several clients of White and Yellow Cross Care Foundation (WYCCF).

“The PP workspace is a plastic recycling workspace where plastic types two and five can be locally recycled into reusable, useful items,” said EPIC in a press release on Tuesday.

In this collaboration, WYCCF clients can participate in plastic recycling activities twice a week as part of their day-time activity programme.

“Once plastics are collected, they are processed in the workspace; they are weighed, sorted, washed, shredded, melted and moulded into new items. This creates a tangible way of bringing the power of recycling and its message to the community that waste has worth and makes an impact, and should therefore be used and discarded properly,” according to the press release.

WYCCF clients are included in all of these steps.

The social workspace can create various items out of plastic, such as key chains, earrings, pendants, bracelets, mini shovels and plant pots, beads, clips and coasters.

“Within short, PP will also be able to produce a few bigger items, making a larger plastic impact, as well as have a few mobile machines to take along to process on various sites for educational purposes, in schools, fairs, open days,” EPIC said.

EPIC currently has space for others to visit and join activities at the social workspace.

“Thus far the pilot is running successfully, and once further funding is facilitated this pilot can be expanded to more care clients and from other organisations,” EPIC said.

The workspace is located at Union Road 125-3, Cole Bay. It is open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:00am to 4:00pm, and on Saturdays from 9:00am to noon.

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