Prison guard released from police custody

PHILIPSBURG--Prison guard M.J.R. (27) was released on Friday after spending two days in police custody for allegedly smuggling drugs and other illicit goods into the Pointe Blanche prison and for accepting bribes.

  The Daily Herald understands that he was released on the condition that he cooperates with investigators and the Prosecutor’s Office. He continues to be a suspect until the investigation is over. He was suspended from the prison by management earlier this year.

  M.J.R. was arrested at his home in Dutch Quarter last week Wednesday. His house was also searched in connection with the ongoing investigation. The case is code-named “Kreeft” (lobster in Dutch) and a current prisoner B.R. (44) is also suspected of bribing a prison guard in the same case.

  The offences of which M.J.R. and B.R. are accused took place between March and May. The investigation is in full swing. More arrests are not excluded, the Prosecutor’s Office said in a press statement.

The Daily Herald

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