MARIGOT--The Recteur of the Guadeloupe Academy, Camille Galap, informs parents that four schools will resume classes on Monday, October 2, 2017.
They are French Quarter Collège, Clair St. Maximin Elementary School and the Omer Arrondell Elementary School, all of which are in French Quarter and Cité Scolaire Robert Weinum in La Savane.
The planning for those pupils registered is as follows: Clair St. Maximin Elementary School: Classes CE2, CM1 and CMT from 8:00am to 10:30am and classes CP and CE1 from 11:00am to 1:30pm; Omer Arrondell Elementary School: classes CE2, CM1 and CM2 from 8:00am to 10:30am and classes CP and CE1 from 11:00am to 1:30pm.
French Quarter Collège: pupils from 4th and 3rd from 8:00am to 11:30am and those from 6th and 5th from 11:30am to 1:30pm. Cité Scolaire Robert Weinum (Lycée General Technology): students from BTS, Terminale and 1st from 8:00am to 11:30am and students from 2nd from 1:30pm to 4:00pm. Cité Scolaire (Collège) students from 6th, 5th and 4th from 1:30pm to 4:00pm.
The re-opening of more schools will be announced in the coming days.