Distinctive Characteristics of China’s Diplomacy in the New Era

In February this year, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi quoted an ancient Chinese poem at the 61st Munich Security Conference when talking about China-U.S. relations, “Powerful as they may be, we remain unshaken like a mountain touched by a gentle breeze. Ferocious as they may be, we stay calm like a river beneath a bright moon,” generating a lot of interpretations of China’s policy towards the U.S. In fact, a more comprehensive and objective apprehension of China’s foreign policy in recent years will help us to find that the poem not only explains China-U.S. relations, but also reflects the four distinctive characteristics of China’s diplomacy in the new era.

First, adhering to peaceful development. The thought of peaceful development is an innate gene in the Chinese culture while honoring promises and living in harmony with all others far and near are fundamental connotations of Chinese diplomacy towards neighboring countries. The Chinese people, having suffered so much from foreign aggression and internal turmoil in modern times, cherish peace. We will never waver in our determination to uphold peace, and we will never want to see others suffer what happened to us.

The boom and prosperity of China is an irresistible trend, but the idea that the strong will bully is not in accordance with the law of history. Since the ancient times China has long been advocating the thoughts like “the strong should not tyrannize the weak while the rich should not bully the poor” and known well the ideas such as “however powerful a country is, it is sure to fall for being too bellicose”. China's adherence to the path of peaceful development is not an expediency, nor diplomatic rhetoric, but a strategic choice and solemn promise.

Adhering to the path of peaceful development cannot be fulfilled at the sacrifice of national interests. China is firmly committed to peaceful development and hopes that all countries in the world will do likewise. Only when all countries take peaceful development paths can we develop and live peacefully together.

Chinese people have a mind that is broader than the ocean and sky, but we can’t tolerate any sand in our eyes. All countries must shoulder their common responsibility for peace, and the Chinese people want, more than anything else, to live in peace and harmony with the people of other countries, and work with them to promote, defend and share peace together.

Second, adhering to openness and inclusiveness. We believe that, without peace, China and the world as a whole cannot achieve smooth development whereas failure in development cannot sustain peace in China and in the world. China’s adherence to peaceful development will naturally lead to open and inclusive diplomacy.

Chinese people have kept a broad mind throughout the history and have been maintaining friendly communications with various nations on the basis of mutual respect. China advocates equality among all countries regardless of size, and calls for mutual tolerance of different social systems and development paths.

We have always believed that what kind of path a country takes should only be decided by its own people in accordance with its own history, cultural traditions, and level of economic and social development. There is no such thing as one single path or model that is universally applicable.

The relations between China and the world are in the midst of profound and complex changes. We believe that every country should have their voice heard. Every country should be able to find their place and play their role in a multipolar paradigm.

China is willing to strengthen dialogue and communication with the outside world with an open and inclusive attitude, to enhance the international community’s understanding and recognition of China’s history, culture, development path and governance philosophy, and to carry out more exchanges among civilizations to understand the world.

Third, adhering to mutual benefit. Development holds the key to addressing various problems. The multipolar world should be one where all countries develop together. Protectionism offers no way out, and arbitrary tariffs produce no winners.

Decoupling deprives one of opportunities, and a “small yard with high fences” only ends up constraining oneself. It is important to pursue open cooperation, and support an equal and orderly multipolar world with a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization.

It is for this goal that China stays committed to sharing development opportunities with all countries. With a 5% GDP growth last year, China contributed to nearly 30% of the world economic growth. It has served as an important engine for global economic growth, and shared with the world the benefit of its supersized market. China is willing to synergize high-quality Belt and Road cooperation with all sides, and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind so as to empower each other and empower the entire world.

China attaches great importance to carrying out friendly communication and cooperation with Latin America and Caribbean countries, putting forward the goal of establishing the comprehensive cooperative partnership featuring equality, mutual benefit, and common development. Take Venezuela as an example, since establishing diplomatic ties, China and Venezuela are united by a common desire to promote peace, cooperation and development, engaging actively in multi-level exchanges in politics, economy, trade and culture. Both countries have consistently stood by each other in independently exploring development paths suited to their national conditions, have supported one another on issues concerning each other’s core interests, and have become trusted friends and committed partners in the face of adversity.

Fourth, adhering to fairness and justice. As Chinese president Xi Jinping pointed out, development is the right of all, rather than an exclusive privilege of the few. Prosperity and stability cannot be possible in a world where the rich become richer while the poor are made poorer. In the face of emerging global challenges, no country can stay unaffected.

All countries want to prevent the world from returning to the law of the jungle. To this end, China insists on sovereign equality. Those with stronger arms and bigger fists should not be allowed to call the shots.

International affairs must not be monopolized by a small number of countries. The legitimate rights and interests of all countries should be fully protected.

Multilateralism must be observed. Countries should stay committed to the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefit.

The authority of the international rule of law must be strengthened. Double standard and selective application should be opposed. Still less should any country resort to bullying, monopoly, trickery or extortion.

It is from this understanding that China firmly upholds the authority and stature of the U.N., contributes to more than 20 percent of the U.N. regular budget, and actively fulfills its international responsibilities and obligations. China is a member of almost all universal intergovernmental organizations and a party to over 600 international conventions. We have acted earnestly on the Paris Agreement on climate change, and built the world’s largest clean power generation system.

We have also proposed and delivered on the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, providing public goods for improving global governance as well as the greatest certainty in this uncertain world.

Li Yigang, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Willemstad

The Daily Herald

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