Hooray! Labour party won 2024 election in UK; Macron and Trump next to win

Dear Editor,

Hooray, the Labour party won the election in the UK and the world and Europeans would rather Emmanuel Macron wins the French election this weekend.

Donald Trump is winning the 2024 election in America this year.

Thanks to the UK people who elected the Labour party.

French people, be wise: elect Emmanuel Macron. The world and Europeans want Emmanuel Macron to be elected in the 2024 election so that the three men leaders Kier, Emmanuel and Trump will work together to bring peace and prosperity towards the world.

Respect Bannis’ advice: the world is in need of Emmanuel Macron, Kier Starmer and Donald Trump.

French people, be wise: please don’t let down Emmanuel Macron, The UK and Americans want these three male leaders to work together: Emmanuel Macron, Kier Starmer and Donald Trump.

Cuthbert Bannis

The Daily Herald

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