Vote pandering

Dear St. Maarten,

I can no longer sit back and witness parliament seeking politicians or career politicians blatantly out here pandering to people of certain demographics. These demographics include the Spanish, Haitian, and Indian communities ignoring any other “community” that resides on St. Maarten including the local St. Maartiner. We have become 3rd class citizens in our own country. St. Maarten has always been a diverse tiny island, now country that is home to over 100 different nationalities. We pride ourselves on being friendly people and this has fostered the inclusion of many. However, our friendliness is now being taken for granted.

In proportion to the size of St. Maarten and its population, there seems to be a lack of concern over migration influx and legal pathways to residency, further placing a strain on the fragile infrastructure, education, healthcare and employment systems.

One candidate in particular is apparently running his campaign encouraging the unlawful migration to this country. This is a sure strategy to capture the votes of many foreigners who have acquired their citizenship and continue to worry solely about their interests and the interests of their close family and friends, while not having an ounce of equal concern for everyone in this country, namely the St. Maarten people. This candidate took to his social platform over the weekend in a tyrant rage; lashing out at a member of Parliament line of questioning towards the current Minister of Justice. The candidate spewed into making discriminatory and sexist remarks towards the parliamentarian in attempt to smear her campaign efforts.

This sort of behaviour is known as a manipulation tactic aimed to keep people of a certain demographic very happy. The candidate went as far to suggest that the parliamentarian should ask around to find out who are related to who and who comes from where before asking questions. This shows that this candidate is okay with nepotism and will continue to carry on with the status quo. I genuinely thought we wanted change and to move away from the “who yuh know” and “go along to get along” to achieve anything on St. Maarten.

The candidate, who himself was born in Curaçao, would have not been able to pander to the Columbians and Venezuelans that flock to the shores of Curaçao in the tens of thousands in seek of refuge. And even if he tried, the people of Curaçao would never accept that, so, why should we?

Candidates should be focused on the Belvedere, Dutch Quarter, Middle Region, Sucker Garden, Point Blanche, Philipsburg, St. Peters/South Reward, Cay Hill/ Cay Bay, Cole Bay, Simpson Bay, etc. communities. These are the only acceptable communities that we should be hearing about and appeasing.

Catch you at the polls, come August 19th!


Your constituent,

Name withheld at author’s request.

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