Really? Election again in St. Maarten – twice in 2024?

Dear Editor,

Oh yes, St. Maarten had election around January 11, 2024. Government lasted for only 17 days. We do not see the creativity in our representatives.

Voters are going back to the polls again to vote and elect 15 members of parliament August 19, 2024. From 10/10/10 both parliamentarians and ministers performed very poorly in representing the people.

And it’s only St. Maarteners that are not protesting; in the entire world we saw parliamentarians and ministers lacking creativity. There are so many laws lacking on this island.

Surveys show UP party will win the election August 19, 2024, and it is possible there might be a coalition government again, and any government formed with the UP party that has the prime minister position to govern will be good for St. Maarten and the people; DP and UP have the most experienced politicians.

Omar Ottley got a good chance to be the next prime minister 2024 to 2028 with UP winning five plus seats; possibly the seats could be five, three, three, two, one, one, zero, zero, zero.

Let’s hope our government will bail out GEBE instead of ENNIA.

Cuthbert Bannis

The Daily Herald

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