Beware of the deceivers! Campaign season ain’t over.


Dear Editor,

MP Ottley – former Minister of Everything, former Minister of VSA, former Minister on the Council of Ministers of the ruling National Alliance, UPP et al coalition.

Following weeks of utterly ego driven campaigning with a divisive attitude and a determination to continue fostering a detrimental culture of old politics – of free food and drink and useless bacchanal that ceases instantly as soon as the votes are cast – MP Ottley is now ready to put aside political differences and work with anyone. “A unified approach, collaboration” the good MP says. Instead of fostering an approach of social work and truly getting to know the community the MP lamented that this is our culture, as if cultures do not shift and change with the times.

Imagine the insane budget spent on banners, music, food, alcohol, etc., funds that could have been spent on community outreach and education long prior to elections and continuing after. Obviously the money is there, why not use it for good.

But rather the approach is to give some in the community fish instead of teaching them how to fish. Working overtime to maintain the systems of old; the throwing down of governments, and keeping the people in ignorance allows some to reach the highest levels of power.

Just two weeks ago the UPP leader put out an article claiming to want to restructure the Prosecutor’s Office because his colleague and party member was taken in for questioning regarding vote buying. A leader wanting to be the future PM blatantly ignoring the foundation of our constitution “trias politicas” instead of allowing justice to take its course.

Mind you, for years MP Arrindell has engorged himself on the tax payer’s dime while producing literally nothing, not even attempting to. His tenure is a running joke. “The man can read?” “He speaks?!” are ongoing jokes from the populace. He walks into the Parliament Hall 15 minutes before the end of a session, records with his cellphone while others are working and debating, even nods off once in a while, all the while collecting an absurd salary which he has not earned nor is he is competent to earn. All this under the leadership and purview of MP Ottley, and with no shame our dear MP rushed to threaten (as much as he can) the justice system on behalf of this man.

Sir, how can we believe you when your actions not only do not match your words but are detrimental to our very society. A good leader does not undersign incompetence, laziness, greed, and corruption. A good leader runs a clean house and gets his people up to standard, demanding that they work for the people and produce results.

MP Arrindell received 353 votes prior to his arrest, and 89 after. Now if that isn’t an indictment, I don’t know what is.

MP Ottley came in hot as they say, Minister of Everything, who seemingly worked hard and wanted to leave his mark. He had the PR and could have well gone on to 1,000 votes. It was his to take. But mistakes were made – the throwing down of government (whether anyone owns up to it or not), and the ego and desperation that plagued the campaign weeks. Now the man calls for unity, he is ready to unite!

From his press release, “When you govern, you govern based on the similarities and mutual love and respect for the people of St. Maarten,” MP Ottley remarked, encapsulating a spirit of cooperation.

Seriously?! What about “Luc must go!”? Is that a show of mutual love and respect for the people of St. Maarten or cooperation as you say, when our country is at a most vulnerable state? Apparently, elections ain’t over because if this is not the most blatant politricks I have ever seen. MP Ottley does not seems to grasp that cooperation and mutual love and respect for all the people – true leadership skills – cannot be parked aside and then picked up again when convenient.

“Unite,” you say, now that you have lost 108 votes, down to 666 (now I would have called for a recount to add or reduce even by one vote and even I’m not religious).

Silveria and Cloyd lost their cushy positions simply because the vote was not respected, and they refused to sit in opposition and show that they can truly serve the people. And now literally two days after MP Ottley is now reformed, wants unity above all. No sir. I do not believe you.

There is a thing called restitution. You have been measured and found wanting and now you must do the work. Humble yourself, cut out the old-style politics, and work for the people. Be an effective opposition, not undermining and disruptive, but working in concert with the coalition (whomever they may be) for the betterment of the country. Hold them accountable when needed and support them for the good of all when needed. Park the ego and serve your four-year term and show us you truly mean it.

Now to Christopher Emmanuel; the people spoke, in eight months he lost 201 votes. Many Facebook lives and hours of radio did not give what he so wanted. While MP Emmanuel has been one of the loudest voices for many years, no one person can list 5 things he has accomplished and done for the people of SXM. I mean not even one, not one! Yes, we need disruptors sometimes, but disruption followed by actions and forward movement is what is needed, not just disruption for political mileage.

No person should sit in the halls of parliament enriching themselves on the backs of the taxpayers, entitled enough to say, “Well, the CFT gets first-class flights so why shouldn’t I?” Whereas a good, caring leader would say and enact changes so that CFT doesn’t get it and neither does anyone else. Business class it is across the board for MPs and Ministers and economy class for CFT and all the other acronym institutions that are also living too large on tax payers’ dimes! Savings for the country!

But no, while literally crying tears because he loves the people so much, the MP showed his greed and entitlement by demanding his first-class flights while people are in darkness, literally cannot eat, and are sliding further into poverty with every governing term.

What about Parlatino, again the MP defends this; against a critical CFT report that stated US $2.1 mil has been wasted and not one report that we the public can read showing not one, no, not one benefit to the island. But the MP defended Parlatino because this other than IPKO is the only other travel opportunity to gallivant on the taxpayers’ backs while topping up the already absurd earnings with per diem.

Instead, the MP could have been smart, move to cancel Parlatino and take those funds and pay Carl and Sons to carry out a school feeding program so that children are not going to school hungry, impeding their ability to learn. And if US$2.1 mil is not enough, then add the savings from the cancelled first-class flights. But no, that would have been working for the people, showing love by actions. But alas these are not the type of leaders we have, earning their keep.

The people have spoken and now MP Emmanuel is campaigning for Lyndon Lewis to be Minister of Justice, because the MP loves his people so much. Definitely not because this is the only way the MP will get back to living high on the hog with first class flights and big-time salary.

This is why we need to also vote to elect ministers; individuals with no party affiliation postulating themselves on their competence and experience so there can be no political maneuvering for positions not earned, no confusion among the general public, and no undue involvement and influence because an MP thinks he owns a minister.

While following an election it is the norm and really the hope of everyone that politicians concede when it is clear they have lost, and also pledge to work with the winners, the statement by these two leaders, though hitting the right notes in an ideal world, reek of being self-serving and simply good PR. It is no accident when someone in a small voting population like ours loses more than 200 votes, especially when an almost newcomer to your party receives double your votes. It is no accident but simply the choice of the people.

With the resounding mandate given to Dr. Mercelina, the people were clear. Punish those who attempted to disrupt the government after 17 days and remove those who the people felt were not working in their best interest.

Persons are now calling for Lyndon Lewis to be appointed as Minister of Justice, underscoring how important it is not only to change this electoral system but to also educate the public. Mr. Lewis did not run for the position of Justice Minister, he contested the Parliamentary elections and won his seat. It is up to him to now use that opportunity to serve the people. If he wants to be part of the ruling coalition, it would be apt that he becomes an independent member and give an even bigger majority to the future ruling coalition.

Convicted criminal Chanel Brownbill and now alleged vote buyer Akeem Arrindell broke away from the US Party and as independent MPs shored up the last ruling coalition ensuring a four-year stability; why not a much lauded Minister of Justice doing the same now if invited to.

If URSM leads the new coalition, why would Dr. Luc open the door for Christopher Emmanuel; the same Emmanuel who basically called the PM a liar as little as three weeks ago and in the span of a few months could not work with his own coalition. This is who he is, does not play well with others, and that will not change soon, no matter how many seemingly good videos are posted. Whoever the ruling coalition is would do well to leave well alone and go with the choice of the people, the choice of Parliamentarians who were voted in.

Now I write this all not knowing who will be part of the ruling coalition, including these two MPs. But let’s see how the cookie crumbles; ’tis St. Maarten politics after all.

Name withheld at author’s request.

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