Dear Queenie,
My mother-in-law lives near us and has a car, so she drives our children to and from school every day while I stay home and take care of the house.
However, every day when she brings them home she comes in and stays to visit. I have a lot to do and I don’t feel like sitting and chatting with her about the same old stuff for a couple of hours every day.
Queenie, I am pleased to be on such good terms with her, but how do I politely ask her not to come inside every day?—Busy mother
Dear Mother,
Perhaps you could arrange to go out and run errands while your mother-in-law is there to “babysit” for you, or to help your children with their homework while she is there. You could also ask her to help you with some of your housework.
Then, to make her feel welcome, try to arrange for her to come to visit at a time when her son/your husband is there also.