Dear Queenie,
My husband and I often get together with his brother and his wife and we enjoy their company. They are friends with another couple who we like very much, but when all six (or more) of us get together my brother-in-law’s wife gets very rude to me and spoils any conversation I am having with one of the other couple.
Queenie, I would like to stay friends with all of them, but I don’t like these three-couple get-togethers and I can’t figure out how to avoid them. What do you suggest?—Fed-up with it
Dear Fed-up,
Before you visit your brother-in-law and his wife, have your husband find out whether the other couple will be there too and make some excuse not to go if they will be there. If anyone asks you why you don’t all get together anymore, just tell them you were not comfortable when all six (or more) of you were together.
You can arrange to get together with the other couple separately.