Dear Queenie,
I was invited to a wedding and sent them a nice gift, but a few days before the ceremony I was informed that it had been cancelled. I never heard anything more from anyone, not the couple or their family, about why the wedding was cancelled, and I never even got a thank you note for the gift I sent.
Queenie, if they didn’t get married after all shouldn’t they have returned the gifts?—Cancelled wedding Etty Ket
Dear Etty Ket,
Of course the gift should have been returned, with a note of thanks for the thought involved in sending it.
However, depending on the circumstances involved in the cancellation of the wedding, the couple and whoever was arranging the celebration may have been
completely overwhelmed by whatever had happened.
If you think you know any of these people well enough, feel free to ask them why the wedding was cancelled, and see if they make any mention of the gifts the (apparently not-so-happy) couple received.