Dear Queenie,
I own a small business and now that things are picking up again I am looking to hire a helper or two. I have advertised the positions and interviewed some people and even though I described the jobs in my “help wanted” ads, almost all of the people who applied didn’t know anything at all about my business.
Queenie, please tell your readers that they should know at least a little bit about the job they are applying for and the company they want to work for.—Disgusted would-be employer
Dear Disgusted,
Any job-seeker should know something about the place they want to work for and the job they are applying for, and should be prepared to tell their interviewer how they can be an asset to their (would-be) employer. The information should be easy to find – almost every business has a website or some presence on the Internet these days if only to advertise itself to potential customers.