Far-away father

Dear Queenie,

My ex-wife and I got divorced more than 20 years go and she took our children and moved far away from where I live, but she never got together with another man. She died recently and I would like to help my children, who are now all grown up, deal with their emotions about this, but I think the financial aspects of her funeral and burial are for them and her family, which I am not part of anymore.

Queenie, am I right? And should I go to the funeral for my children’s sake? Like I said, they live far away, so it would be difficult and expensive.—Far-away father

Dear Father,

I do not think anyone expects you to help pay for your ex-wife’s funeral, but you can ask your children if they would like you to be there for emotional support.

If you do not attend the funeral, you still might want to arrange a family reunion at some other time that is convenient for all of you.

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