Dear Queenie,
I was sick a lot when I was little so my mother kept me out of gym class and wouldn’t let me go on field trips because she was afraid they wouldn’t be good for me. I missed out on a lot because of her being so overprotective, but after I went away to university I realized how much I had missed and I managed to get some experience and really learn how to live.
She has done the same thing to my kid brother and he isn’t going away to school like I did so she still coddles him and keeps him close to home.
My father gave up on this a long time ago.
Queenie, is there anything I can do to help my brother?—Worried Sibling
Dear Sibling,
There is not much you can do unless and until your brother realises how limited his world is and decides he wants more out of life, and then it will probably take professional help.
Meanwhile, you can talk to your brother about your life, ask him what he wants his life to be like and offer him any help he may need to break loose from his overprotective mother.