Bermuda’s electric bus fleet being bolstered

      Bermuda’s electric bus  fleet being bolstered

A fleet of 10 new electric buses, which arrived at the Department of Public Transportation’s Devonshire headquarters this week.

HAMILTON, Bermuda--Additional electric buses will improve public transportation on the island’s roads, Minister of Transport Wayne Furbert has promised.

Furbert said this as 10 buses arrived at the Department of Public Transportation’s Devonshire headquarters this week, with 30 more scheduled to come by September 3.

While highlighting the new vehicles, the minister also recognised the department’s difficulty in providing sufficient public transport on the island, attributing these challenges to the age of the diesel fuel buses and a delay in receiving more electric ones.

He added: “The buses will be on the road next week following a thorough inspection, testing of systems, employee orientation on new features, installation of fare vaults and the application of internal and external decals or signage.”

These are not the first electric buses Bermuda has seen – a fleet of 30 first arrived on the island in February 2022.

Despite the vehicles saving the government more than US $175,000 this year, heavy rainfall caused almost one third of the fleet to break down in May.

According to Furbert, the new series of buses features larger batteries and a greater capacity than last year’s fleet, allowing them to travel up to 210 kilometres before needing recharging.

He concluded: “[The ministry – Ed.] remains thankful for the public’s support as we navigate this challenging summer period.” ~ The Royal Gazette ~

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