Signature flight support invests in local workforce

      Signature flight support  invests in local workforce

Assistant General Manager Kenyatta Thomas.


SAINT JOHNS, Antigua--Signature Flight Support, a fixed-based operator (FBO) that handles private aircrafts at V.C. Bird International Airport has been operating in Antigua since 2014. After six years of operating the FBO, Signature Flight Support has been working towards investing in the local workforce for the General Manager role. Previously, Signature has had Bridget Cox and Cameron Singh from the United States overseeing the FBOs in Antigua, St. Kitts, and Nevis; they both lived in Antigua for 2-3 years at a time.

  In early 2019, Signature Flight Support Antigua launched a Manager in Training program for the location in order to properly develop an individual from the twin island of Antigua and Barbuda to take on the General Manager role. The purpose of the program was to ensure the individual selected was the right person and provided the proper tools and resources to be successful in their role.

  A summation of the skills that needed to be mastered are as follows: A commitment to safety and the customer; An unrelenting drive to provide customer service; Integrity, honesty, and a passion for aviation; An entrepreneurial mindset that can identify strategic opportunities, align with organisational goals, and act effectively to capture business; An active team leader who can work with a wide variety of personalities and backgrounds to bring forth collaborative and adaptive solutions; A constant perspective towards innovation, improving systems and creating synergies; Strong oral and communication skills paired with an understanding of business financials.

  Kenyatta Thomas was hired as a part of the Manager in Training program at Signature Antigua in the capacity of Assistant General Manager. Thomas comes from a strong hospitality leadership background working across the globe at various hotels and cruise ships. Prior to joining Signature Flight Support, Thomas helped open Hodges Bay Resort and Spa as the Operations Manager.

  Signature Flight Support is pleased to announce that Kenyatta Thomas has now been appointed the General Manager for the FBO locations in Antigua, St. Kitts, and Nevis. Thomas will continue to be based in Antigua as the FBO remains a key location in Signature’s Caribbean network.

  “I am very privileged to have been selected into this training program and now promoted to the General Manager position being an Antiguan. I can definitely say that Signature is very proud to have made this a local position. Signature poured in a lot of resources to my training to ensure that I am successful and continue to be developed. They allowed me to visit other FBO locations and invited me to the Annual Leadership Conference last year that is designed for Signature General Managers and other senior leaders. A special thank you goes out to my mentor, Cameron Singh who diligently trained me over the last few years into the General Manager role. I will continue to focus on developing our team here at Signature Antigua as my leadership style is focused on the people. I am a very team-oriented person and am very excited to what the future holds for Signature Flight Support Antigua.” Thomas stated.

  Furthermore, Signature Flight Support continues to put emphasis on their people and focusing on employee engagement and leadership development. Signature recently launched a General Manager in Training program that develops team members ready for the General Manager role. This program will last 6 to 7 months and includes in person and online training. After a nomination and a rigorous interview process, Narissa Martin was 1 of 30 team members selected for the program out of the 5,000 employees across the global 200 Signature locations. Martin comes from a strong aviation background and is currently working for Signature Flight Support Antigua as a Customer Service Supervisor. After completion of the program, Martin will be fully prepared and developed to take on a General Manager position at any Signature location within the network.

  A huge congratulations to the recent promotion of Kenyatta Thomas to the General Manager position at Signature Flight Support Antigua. Additionally, best wishes to Narissa Martin on her successful completion of the General Manager in Training Program. ~ Antigua Newsroom ~

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