Pigeon grabs the individual honours at VCG Duathlon

MARIGOT—Triathlete Grégoire Pigeon was the fastest man overall on the course during Sunday’s Duathlon organised by Velo Club de Grand Case (VCG) and Avenir Sportif Club.

  Staged at the Cultural Center of Grand Case, the course consisted of a 5.5K run followed by a 22.5K bike ride, and finished with a 1.8K run around the Center of Grand Case.
  Pigeon turned in the fastest time for Individual Men of 1:04:21 followed by Erwan Gentil (1:05: 40) and Tom de Visser taking third place (1:07:42).
  Caroline Delplanque won the women’s Individual category finishing in 1:14:17. Nicole Erato was second (1:18:51) and Anne-Christine Calvel third (1:22:44).
  First in the Juniors was Adelio Brooks (1:10:24) and Jacques Dieunoe was second (1:13:22).
  The team’s category was won by Dynamics (Omarco Robinson and Dean Hodge) a formidable combination, posting the fastest overall time of the day of 58 minutes. Dean Hodge clocked the fastest time for the bike ride of 32:50.
  Second team went to Tri Sport Tigers (Juan Pablo Piscione and Kai Piscione) in 1:11:22.
  First in the Junior Teams was CITE EPS (Alvarez Bruno, Daniel Lake) with a time of 1:13:04. Second was Mano a Mano (Lucie Legret and Matheo Gosse) in 1:21:25.
  In the Mixed Team results, CLSG (Stephane Leconte and Deborah) were first in 1:11:25 and Karienetfab (Bouquet Karine and Fabrice Bouquet) second in 1:11:26.
  Organisers thanked all the generous sponsors for making the event a success.

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