If you’ve ever considered going vegan permanently or for a considerable amount of time, this is the month to do it. Vegan Month is dedicated to educating about vegan eating and lifestyles, and encouraging you to try it out.
You can take part in many ways: Eating vegan, living vegan, stopping animal cruelty and living a healthier life.
What exactly is vegan? For those of you who do not know, it is consuming a diet of plant-based foods only. This means NO fish, dairy or eggs. For many strict vegans, this also means no honey, as the process involves the utilization of bees.
You have stars like Beyonce and Jay Z who’ve done vegan challenges, and others who have actually chosen to live the vegan lifestyle like Ellen Degeneres, Natalie Portman, Lea Michele, Kate & Rooney Mara and Jennifer Lopez.
Within our pages for the upcoming month, expect to see lots of recipes and tips, plus legit research on why leading a more plant-based diet is better for your health!
Happy Vegan Month!