The closure “until further notice” of GEBE’s Simpson Bay branch (see related story) is a burden to many residents. It shut down on January 5 due to the rise in COVID-19 cases and was supposed to reopen January 10, but that obviously didn’t happen.
Meanwhile, crowds at the main office in Philipsburg have been growing since then to the point that no new waiting numbers were being given out from around noon. It’s true that more use could and probably should be made of online payments, but the present situation seems disproportionately hard on those yet to adapt, who include a significant number of seniors.
One suggestion might be to – in addition to banks and their ATMs – facilitate payments at other entities such as Postal Services St. Maarten (PSS) and/or government’s Public Service Centre, provided these can immediately be confirmed by the utility company. The last thing people want is their power cut off for surpassing the bill’s due date, bringing not only nuisance but a reconnection fee.
Management might even consider – if cashflow allows it – announcing some sort of grace period of, say, at least one week on outstanding invoices to create a little breathing space for clients still paying “the old-fashioned way” under these unprecedented circumstances. Such a gesture would no doubt be well-appreciated and demonstrate a desirable customer-friendly attitude.