It was good to learn that police removed two more illicit firearms from the streets (see related story) between Sunday night and early Monday morning. One was found during a routine control in a car suspected of having been stolen, along with narcotics.
The second incident regarded a scooter rider who refused to stop and was apprehended after a brief pursuit. The suspect turned out to be in possession of a gun.
Those involved should be commended especially in the latter case. Let’s face it, going after a scooter at 3:00am takes courage even for an officer.
Motorbikes were allegedly also involved in Tuesday afternoon’s Dutch Quarter shooting reported on in today’s edition. They are frequently used in robberies and other crimes on the island.
It must be said, Dutch- and French-side authorities have been attempting to tackle the proliferation of weapons in a coordinated manner. This has resulted in increased joint and cross-border searches.
By now the scooters warrant a specific approach, particularly since many appear to be operated illegally. More targeted controls for them seems justified at this point.
That could prove an inconvenience for law-abiding riders, but may be the price they must pay to enhance community safety. If not in compliance, their motorbikes should be taken off the road, period.