Brug, Kotai admitted to Parliament, motion submitted to fire PM, TEATT, VSA ministers

Brug, Kotai admitted to Parliament, motion submitted to fire PM, TEATT, VSA ministers

PHILIPSBURG--Richinel Brug (URSM) and Viren Vinod Kotai (DP) were finally admitted to Parliament during the fourth attempt on Monday, May 20, during a meeting punctuated by explanations, allegations and an attempt to send three members of government packing.


  A draft motion to send three ministers home was tabled by United People’s (UP) party MP Francisco Lacroes during the second round of the meeting. In the motion, Lacroes said in accordance with article 33 sub 2 of the Constitution of St. Maarten, the Parliament of St. Maarten expresses to have no confidence in the Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs Dr. Luc Mercelina and also in Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication Grisha Heyliger-Marten and the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour VSA Veronica Jansen-Webster and that the three ministers must be removed from office effective immediately, while not participating in any decision-taking whatsoever in the Council of Ministers, upon the passing of this motion.

  Towards the end of the meeting, Wescot-Williams said the motion was not in accordance with the stipulations regarding a motion to be presented by a member and supported by others. She said however given that the motion had been presented, she will adjourn the meeting to complete the process.

  During the meeting, the credentials of Brug and Kotai were vetted and verified by a committee comprising Melissa Gumbs (PFP), Silveria Jacobs (NA), and Omar Ottley (UP), the two incoming MPs were admitted to Parliament. They will be able to occupy their Parliamentary seats after they have been sworn in (more details on the motion and the meeting in tomorrow’s The Daily Herald)

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