CIBC donates hygiene kits to healthcare outreach prog.

CIBC donates hygiene kits  to healthcare outreach prog.

CIBC FirstCaribbean’s Head of Retail and Business Banking Alphons Gumbs (right) presents a donation to Xiomara Philips of Sunrise Nursing Agency.

PHILIPSBURG--CIBC FirstCaribbean threw its support behind health care with its recent donation to support Sunrise Nursing Agency’s mission of providing healthcare within the community.

  The financial institution recently sponsored senior hygiene kits for the nursing agency.

  During its daily home visits, Sunrise Nursing found that many seniors had no essential personal care products.

  Catering to the basic needs of some of our community’s most vulnerable, Xiomara Philips of the nursing agency believes the kits will not only boost and maintain the dignity of its members but also help protect seniors and slow the spread of illnesses. In turn, it provides relief to families and relieves the strain on healthcare services. Sunrise Nursing Agency officially opened its doors to the public this month.

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