Dogs kill 3 goats, injure three more

Dogs kill 3 goats,  injure three more

 ST. EUSTATIUS--Two dogs seemingly killed three goats and injured three more at a property on C.A. Millard Drive in St. Eustatius on June 30, according to a report issued by the Caribbean Netherlands Police Force KPCN.

According to KPCN, patrol officers found two dogs trying to enter a yard with a herd of goats. The officers chased away the dogs, but later discovered three dead and three injured goats on the property.

“The officers went by several houses to look for the aforementioned dogs, but did not find them,” KPCN said in a statement. “KPCN would like to remind dog owners to ensure their dogs stay inside the yard by having a proper fence and/or by tethering the dog to avoid this type of situation. As the owner, you are responsible for your dog’s behaviour and training.”

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