ESF7 hosts Transect Walk in Philipsburg

ESF7 hosts Transect  Walk in Philipsburg

Participants in the walk.

PHILIPSBURG--The Emergency Support Function 7 (ESF7) held a productive Transect Walk in Philipsburg, introducing a new assessment tool designed to capture critical data in the first 72 hours following a disaster on Saturday, July 27.

  The event, attended by Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members, representatives of volunteer groups, and enthusiastic community volunteers, provided an invaluable opportunity to practice using the tool in a real-world setting.

  During the Transect Walk, participants ventured into the Philipsburg community to assess various areas using the newly introduced tool. This hands-on experience not only familiarised attendees with the assessment process, but also ensured they were well-prepared to contribute effectively during emergency situations. Feedback and suggestions from volunteers were actively encouraged and welcomed at the conclusion of the session.

  Chantale Groeneveldt-George, Shelter Management Coordinator, also announced an upcoming Shelter Management Training scheduled from August 22 to 24. This training will precede the second session of the ESF7 Transect Walk, further enhancing the readiness and capabilities of participants. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact the ESF7 team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information on how to get involved in future initiatives and training opportunities.

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