Justice Minister to hire new Secretary General

~ Thompson given notice ~


PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Justice Cornelius de Weever decided recently not to extend the contract of present Acting Secretary-General (SG) of Justice Ruben Thompson.

  The minister notified Thompson via letter last week that his contract is set to expire on October 31 and will not be extended.

  The young SG began working at the ministry on a three-year contract in 2015 as a policy advisor to government’s Staff Bureau and a senior policy advisor to then-Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson. Former Justice Minister Edson Kirindongo requested in 2016 that Thompson serve as the ministry’s SG.

  The Daily Herald contacted Thompson on Tuesday for comment, but he declined to give any details about his contract not being extended. The letter thanked Thompson for his service to the ministry and gave no outline of the reason behind the minister’s decision.

  This newspaper also contacted De Weever about his decision, but up to press time he had given no response.

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