Statia sets up outdoor exercise, first chess park in Oranjestad

Statia sets up outdoor exercise,  first chess park in Oranjestad

Statia’s first outdoor chess park.

ST. EUSTATIUS--A second outdoor exercise and first outdoor chess park were officially inaugurated during a brief ceremony in Wilhelmina Park in Oranjestad on Wednesday, December 9.

  Residents can now exercise in this area to improve physical health and stimulate mental health through playing mind games. The project is made possible with the support of the public entity St. Eustatius and the Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations, in partnership with the Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport.

  The new weather-resistant fitness equipment at the park is ready to use. “This is not the last exercise park. The public entity is promoting a healthy Statia. All residents are welcome to make use of the outdoor fitness park. Besides the outdoor-exercise equipment, provisions are also made for chess lovers to enjoy a game of chess or checkers at the park. Playing mind games has many benefits for youngsters as well as adults. Hopefully within the very near future we can enjoy chess competition on the island,” said Social Domain Director Carol Jack-Roosberg.

  Social Domain aims to install more exercise equipment in other districts in the coming years. The advantages of an active-friendly island are considered great, as it makes the island and its residents healthier.

  The Statia community is encouraged to make good use of the exercise equipment, and to also take care of it.

  Raincoat Construction installed the fitness equipment while the chess tables were built by Sanchez Construction.

  The park was recently decorated for the Christmas season by the Statia Dominicano   Association.

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