Your greed for power is an expression of a decayed soul

Dear Editor,

When will the population stop selecting these greedy and unethical politicians to run this country? Since 10-10-10, the country has been spinning in mud, elections after elections. Just like how the in-fighting has destabilized this current coalition in its initial stage, after the January 11 elections, the same behaviour is playing out again.

Isn’t it time that these unprincipled politicians stop making demands, as if they are entitled to an executive position? Following every election, there is this vicious argument and vexation over who got the most votes. What does the amount of votes acquired have to do with becoming a minister? Then, why disrupt the rhythm of a particular ministry, if the minister is working well in that specific function?

For all of the elections that Attorney Richard Gibson Sr., has contested, he has never obtained any substantial amount of votes. Yet, he was appointed to the Executive branch a few years ago, and served as an exemplary finance minister in the NA-led government. His measly votes wasn’t a discussion then. No! His wealth of knowledge and experiences were the essentials that he needed to get the job done.

So, Prime Minister Luc Mercelina, why did you budge under the pressures of MP Richniel Brug, who has demanded that you appoint him because he got more votes than the VSA [Public Health, Social Development and Labor – Ed.] Minister Veronica Jansen-Webster? Prime Minister Luc Mercelina, you have made a terrible mistake! This is the exact scenario that has occurred after the elections in January, which resulted in the resignation of one of your top candidates.

Aren’t you the same prime minister who went on air and criticized the previous government for appointing persons who are not qualified for the job? So, let’s deliberate for a moment. Is MP Richniel Brug more certified for the position than Minister Veronica Jansen-Webster? Or, is it that his votes are more valuable than hers, an element which was never a prerequisite to take up the post as a minister?

Prime Minister Luc Mercelina, this is a very wrong and immature decision, which is verifying that you have very little knowledge and understanding of the functioning of government. Besides, are you confirming that Minister Veronica Jansen-Webster was doing such a bad job that it warrants her to be pushed into parliament? How do you think she feels, when her other colleague ministers stay?

Were you not given the opportunity to learn and grow? So, why can’t Minister Veronica Jansen-Webster do the same? You see that agreement that you signed with PFP, DP, and SAM, that accord is not etched in stone. Be very careful that those 17 days of disruption do not repeat itself. Prime Minister Luc Mercelina, you must always remember to treat people the way you would like them to treat you.

MP Richniel Brug, your action is very shameful, but not surprising, because it was rumored that you made a very itchy comment in the government building when you ran on another party. And, don’t forget in 2017, when one of your tenants found him in a difficult situation to pay his rent, you reminded him that hurricane or no hurricane, he had to pay. From that day, I have a different opinion of you.

Furthermore, MP Richniel Brug, why don’t you come clean with the people and tell them that you wanted to leave the URSM and run on another party? Were you aware of this Prime Minister Luc Mercelina? This is the problem with you dirty politicians that come on air and spew this rhetoric about having integrity.

Every one of you who professed that you have integrity are the ones who don’t have it, because integrity is not what you say, it is an action! And, until the population wake up and start voting for people who say what they mean and mean want they say, we will always be getting these unscrupulous politicians to represent us all the time.

MP Sjamira Roseburg, you too deserve a flack, because you came on air several times preaching about 5-star representation and all that pretence talk. If you so believe in this philosophy, why are you demanding that Prime Minister Luc Marcelina renegotiate his stance to accommodate your family member? Then you want to preach about integrity, MP Sjamira Roseburg? Be very careful what you wish for!

To you, Minister Veronica Jansen-Webster, no matter how much they try to devalue your efforts, I urge you to remain committed to improving the Ministry of VSA, even though the change of guard is imminent. Remember that time is longer than twine, and it always reveals the face of every single one of us.

Joslyn Morton

The Daily Herald

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