Dear Editor,
I am not certain if I would have written that letter from miss Joslyn Morton concerning Dimar Labega to you. I believe it is too personal (in a positive sense). Because it is a great teaching moment for, and I dare say, all the members of Parliament. I would have written that letter via you to all the members of Parliament in general. Because it continues to be proven that by blindly voting along party lines one will continue to be a follower, I sincerely hope that all members of Parliament will take that advice to MP Dimar Labega personally and retain it.
With the same breath I would like to add that had MP Roseburg asked a little further, she too would have known that the police as well as government has a history concerning DUI since 2000. I stand corrected but at that time there were already talks by the then government about a special machine which would cost Fls. 250,000.
Also that Holland was prepared to give instructions to those who would be selected to apply the DUI tests.. No disrespect meant, but this is part of the reason why I find myself reacting to those persons who would like be respected as leaders.
To lead, one has to consist of leaders material. I would be the last person to think I know it all, and I will never venture to contest something that I am not well versed in. I believe in asking questions.
Russell A. Simmons