Dear Queenie,
A young woman where I work is going to have a baby, but she is not married.
The women are planning a big baby shower for her, but I think she is a hypocrite and doesn’t deserve it. She has always pretended to be very religious, but there she is pregnant and no husband in sight.
Queenie, what do you say?—Church-goer
Dear Church-goer,
With no husband to help, and possibly considerable emotional trauma to cope with in regard to having a baby all alone (and possibly through no fault of her own; for example, she might have been raped) this young woman is going to need all the help she can get.
I say, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Also, “Let him (or her) that is without sin cast the first stone.” And finally, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
You claim to be a church-goer, but you seem to have forgotten all these bits of Biblical wisdom. You also seem to have forgotten one of the basic tenets of your religion: “Love ye one another.”