Dear Queenie,
My cousin is making her will and because I’m a lawyer she has asked me for help writing it and she wants me to be the executor.
My problem is that she wants to leave all her money, and she has a lot!, to the local animal shelter.
It’s her money and she has a right to do what she chooses with it, but I don’t like the thought of executing a will that gives so much to animals when there are so many people it could help. I don’t argue with her wanting to do it but I don’t want to be part of it, but I’m afraid asking her to choose another executor would make her angry and I don’t want to spoil our relationship.
Queenie, what should I do?—Her cousin
Dear Cousin,
Tell your cousin how you feel about her plan, continue writing her will, but ask her to find someone else, someone who agrees with what she wants to do, to be executor.