ST. KITTS--Carib Swim Team athletes Freya Knaggs took first place, girls 19 and under and Paul ten Broecke, was first in the boys 19 and under in 15th Annual Nevis to St Kitts Cross Channel Swim. Other CST top finishers included Erik Spit, third in men age 30-39; Megan Pittman, third in women age 30-39 and Debbie Reltien placed third in women age 50-59.
Several Carib Swim Team members, ranging in age from 11 to 53 competed in the 4,200 meter swim in rough seas across the channel.
More than 150 swimmers participated in the competition class. This year, for the first time, Special Olympics participants from several islands traveled to Nevis/St Kitts to swim as part of relay teams, with each team member swimming 1km of the crossing. The course also featured an assisted category for those persons wishing to use fins and snorkels.