Better safe than sorry

Better safe than sorry

A decision by the Council of Minsters not to allow public meetings during the election campaign or gatherings at polling stations (see Thursday newspaper) was criticised by three of the five participating parties currently not in government. That SAM, UP and NA all planned such political meetings for which a permit is required, while coalition partners URSM, DP, PFP and NOW chose not to, only adds to the controversy.

What’s more, Prime Minister Luc Mercelina had initially said there were no indications the recent fatal shooting involving OMC leader Olivier Arrindell that killed his wife was politically motivated. Tying related law enforcement measures to the upcoming vote creates a different impression.

However, these prohibitions and banning the sale of alcohol on Election Day are not just about that particular tragic incident. There have been various shootings and other cases of severe violence during recent months, along with a notable spike in online threats.

And as PFP leader Melissa Gumbs reminded all during Thursday’s continuation of a Parliament meeting with Justice Minister Lyndon Lewis on the crime situation, a fight actually occurred at one of the voting bureaus in January.

One must say, the latter is pretty rare in St. Maarten, because competing parties and candidates who are usually stationed near polls to try to convince last-minute choosers tend to get along fine. One can even consider their presence part of the local election folklore.

It will thus be missed this time around, but ultimately ensuring people are able to exercise their democratic right in a secure manner is paramount. Better safe than sorry, was probably the thinking.


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