Grisha: Businesses near PJIA that fail to remove billboards before storms will be liable for damage

Grisha: Businesses near PJIA that fail to remove  billboards before storms will be liable for damage

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication (TEATT) Grisha Heyliger-Marten issued a firm caution on Wednesday to businesses that have wooden billboards near Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA) and fail to remove them before a storm.

“Most of you did not adhere to the call to take down these structures this time around and I want to especially caution those with billboards near PJIA. No action has been taken yet, but if, God forbid, anything happens to our beloved PJIA, please be aware that you will be held completely responsible for any damage to our airport,” she said.

Heyliger-Marten said many businesses had not adhered to the call to take down their billboards in preparation for the passing of Tropical Storm Ernesto.

"We simply cannot afford any more setbacks with our airport. Remember the 5Ps and prepare for what could happen if a hurricane strikes," she said in a press broadcast updating on the assessment of Ernesto’s aftermath.

“As we approach the peak of the hurricane season, it’s natural to feel a mix of emotions – concern, uncertainty and perhaps even fear. But remember, our community is strong, resilient and prepared. We’ve weathered storms before and we will again.

“Now is the time to take proactive steps to ensure our safety and the safety of our loved ones. Make sure your emergency kits are ready, review your evacuation plans and stay informed through reliable sources. Check on your neighbours, especially those who may need extra help. Together, we can face whatever comes our way.

“While we cannot control the weather, we can control how we respond to it. Let’s support each other, stay positive and face this season with attentiveness.”

The Daily Herald

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