Nursing assistant training programme has launched

Nursing assistant training  programme has launched

Seated (from left): Island Commissioner Reuben Merkman, Executive Board member of Unlimited Healthcare and Wellbeing Dutch Caribbean (UHWDC) Foundation Sineida Paul-Suares, and New Challenges Foundation (NCF) Director Francine Foe. Standing (from left): Zelma Silent, Social Domain policy advisor Gregory Melfor, Instituto pa Formashon den Enfermeria (IFE) Director Xiomahara Schotborg, and IFE’s Sharmain Gijsbertha Davelaar.

ST. EUSTATIUS--The highly anticipated launch of a nursing training programme commissioned by the St. Eustatius government took place at the Government Administration Building on Thursday.


Participants and stakeholders at an information session in the St. Eustatius Auxiliary Home’s conference room.

The programme is being carried out by the St. Eustatius government in collaboration with New Challenges Foundation (NCF), Unlimited Healthcare and Wellbeing Dutch Caribbean (UHWDC) Foundation, and Curaçao’s Instituto pa Formashon den Enfermeria (IFE), an educational institution focused on the healthcare sector. The programme is subsidised by the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.

Signing the official agreement were UHWDC Executive Board member Sineida Paul-Suares and NCF Director Francine Foe.

Government Commissioner Alida Francis signed on behalf of the St. Eustatius government, but was not present at Thursday’s ceremony due to illness. Island Commissioner Reuben Merkman represented the government in her stead.

“As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, the demand for skilled and compassionate nurses is more significant than ever. The Social Domain Directorate and the Labor Department recognised this need and are committed to helping realise this,” the St. Eustatius government said.

According to the Social Domain Directorate, the training programme stemmed from its strategic plan called, “Strong Roots”, as well as the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment’s implementation plan. The Strong Roots plan focuses on promoting community participation and inclusion in the labour market, combatting poverty and promoting women’s empowerment and lifelong learning.

The training programme will last some 15 months and the group consists of 15 Spanish-speaking persons. Additionally, due to high interest in the programme, there will be an English-speaking group of seven persons.

The programme is certified by IFE.

“The programme is a continuation, after a group of Spanish-speaking locals attended and successfully completed the English as a Second Language course offered by the New Challenges Foundation and subsidised by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science,” said the St. Eustatius government.

There is a growing need for healthcare professionals in all sectors of healthcare, including care and prevention, said representatives of the Social Domain Directorate.

“Medical care is becoming increasingly complex, requiring higher qualifications. The training of these professionals requires higher performance in all areas, both medically, mentally, and

socially,” said Schotborg. “IFE is committed to work in close collaboration with St. Eustatius partners for the realisation and certification of the training of healthcare professionals.”

One of UHWDC’s objectives is to provide healthcare and well-being education on St. Eustatius, said Paul-Suares.

“We are happy to contribute to the realisation of this project. Helping members of our community develop their education is a noble endeavour that can lead to personal growth, empowerment, and improved quality of life,” she said.

Foe said: “By partnering with other educational institutions, we are creating opportunities that will lead to living wage jobs, which we believe is truly the most effective route out of poverty and into stable careers. It is an honour and privilege to be part of this joint venture. We believe that if we all work together towards one goal, we can achieve it faster than working against each other towards the same goal.”

An information session about the programme was held at the St. Eustatius Auxiliary Home’s conference room later on Thursday.

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