Passenger traffic at airport nearing pre-pandemic level

Passenger traffic at airport  nearing pre-pandemic level

The airport recorded over 1.4 million passenger movements in 2023.

SIMPSON BAY--The year 2023 and first quarter of 2024 have yielded positive results for Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA) in terms of passenger traffic. With over 1.4 million passenger movements in 2023, passenger traffic is nearing pre-pandemic levels. This was announced by the airport’s operating company PJIAE on Wednesday.

The numbers recorded surpassed the passenger traffic targets set at the beginning of both years. This positive performance highlights a significant recovery from the pandemic’s impact and positions the airport for continued growth, management of the airport concluded.

“We are thrilled to report such positive results over 2023 and the first quarter of 2024,” said Brian Mingo, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and Bob Post, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of PJIAE. “Passenger traffic has rebounded remarkably, and we are nearly back to pre-pandemic levels.”

PJIAE is committed to providing a seamless and positive travel experience for all passengers, Mingo and Post affirmed. “We are confident that the strong momentum we witnessed in 2023 will continue in 2024. We are also very pleased with the new check-in and departure halls, and our new arrivals hall is almost finished. The countdown has begun, and in November 2024, we will celebrate the opening of the state-of-the-art terminal and our 80th anniversary with all stakeholders.”

Key highlights from the 2023 Annual Report and first quarter 2024 figures include impressive achievements. Passenger traffic at PJIA surpassed expectations in 2023, exceeding 1.4 million passenger movements, nearly equalling 2019 numbers at 99.5% and reaching 81.2% of 2016 level.

The recovery is nearing completion, with first-quarter 2024 traffic surging to 93% of 2016 levels and 130% of 2019 levels. North America remains the dominant source of traffic at PJIA, accounting for approximately 58% of all passengers. The full 2023 annual report for PJIAE will soon be available at

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