Police extra stop and search powers extended until Monday

Police extra stop and search powers extended until Monday

PHILIPSBURG--The enhanced stop-and-search powers granted to St. Maarten Police Force KPSM under the Firearms Ordinance have been extended until 5:00pm Monday, August 12, 2024, by order of the Prosecutor’s Office of St. Maarten (OM SXM).

Originally issued on Monday, August 5, 2024, in response to a spike in shooting incidents, the initial order expired at 5:00pm Tuesday, August 6, 2024. The extension took immediate effect, as announced by the Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday afternoon.

Under the extended order, law enforcement officers are authorised to seize firearms in and around Dutch Quarter. This includes all roads leading to and from Dutch Quarter as well as publicly accessible areas within that region.

Officers are permitted to search vehicles and require individuals in public spaces to cooperate with personal searches and the inspection of personal effects.

“These measures were implemented to ensure public safety. The community is urged to cooperate with law enforcement officials as they carry out their duties,” said the Prosecutor’s Office. “Despite KPSM’s efforts in recent months, the number of firearms on St. Maarten remains alarmingly high, and firearm-related incidents have not decreased. So far in 2024, nine people have been injured and five killed due to these incidents.”

The Daily Herald

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