Police Force issues Carnival safety tips

PHILIPSBURG--“The Police Force of St. Maarten is without any doubt doing its utmost to protect you, your family and your property in combating crime and criminals,” stated police spokesman Chief Inspector Ricardo Henson on Thursday in his Carnival season address.

  The police public relations department offers the community the following safety tips to help them prepare against crime.

  “Remember the three A’s of crime prevention: be Aware of your surroundings at all times, be Alert to suspicious people and vehicles, and Avoid dangerous situations,” said Henson.

  “If you are out for the evening turn on lights, a radio or television so that it looks like someone is at home,” recommended Henson. Lock all doors and windows well, even if you are just leaving for a few minutes. Do not display items where they can be seen from the outside.

  Park your car in a well-lit area and make sure all windows and doors are locked. Avoid carrying a large amount of cash. Don’t flash cash around and carry it in a safe place.

  “If you have to use the ATM machine, pay close attention to suspicious persons hanging around the machine. If that’s the case pass up that machine and find another. Carry all wallets in the front pockets and carry purses close to your body. Keep your children close to you while attending any activities and don’t let them get separated from you. Pay attention to persons walking in front of and behind you,” added Henson, especially in crowded places favourable for pickpockets.

  The tips continue: “When returning to your vehicle or your home have your keys in your hands ready to open the door. Before entering your vehicle check front and rear and seats for any one that may be hiding there. Lock doors immediately after entering. Ask your neighbour to keep a watchful eye out for you.

  “Drinking and driving is a danger to everyone. Remember that the risks of drinking and driving are not worth it. If you choose to drink, don’t drive. Make use of a designated driver or public transportation [taxi or bus – Ed.]. Make sure that you know where your children are at all times and that they are safe,” said Henson.

  The Police Force wishes the community and visitors a very safe and meaningful Carnival Season 2017.

The Daily Herald

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