The public has the right to know.
Dear Editor,
It is incomprehensible how politically-driven decisions hamper progress of our country. The business community and all our citizens are convinced that tourism is our biggest source of income and that a well-functioning airport is the cornerstone of the rehabilitation of tourism and the growth of our economy. Everybody talks about it and sees the urgency to rebuild PJIA.
The Minister of Finance had already arranged for the financing of the reconstruction of the airport. He did so by means of a loan with the European Development Bank, the Trust Fund and the Netherlands. A deal was reached with the bondholders to release the insurance pay-out for the reconstruction. The only pending item was signing of the contracts with the lenders and the agreement with the bondholders and jumpstart the reconstruction.
So not so!
Here is where political games are played in parliament against the interests of the country and the people. The highest political institution that ought to act on behalf of and for the people of St. Maarten, is now boycotting its progress.
First and foremost a motion that was passed against the Minister of Finance prevented him from signing any agreement with third parties, including the lenders for the reconstruction of PJIA. Because of this impasse and uncertainty, the bondholders now required that parliament give instructions to the minister to sign the agreements. Without those instructions they would not be willing to sign any agreement and release the insurance pay-out. Subsequently, a motion was submitted to parliament by MP Claude Peterson to give the minister that mandate to sign all contracts and agreements, in the interest of Sint Maarten.
What happened next is mindboggling and nothing short of sabotage. During the handling of the motion the current coalition MPs played down the motion in a purely political attempt to prevent the minister from starting the reconstruction of the airport. They told the minister that he had already received the mandate when the budget for 2019 was approved. Again, completely ignoring the requirement of the bondholders, that parliament pass a motion that mandates the minister to sign. During the voting of the motion the coalition MPs simply walked out, confirming their self-interest, dishonesty and disloyalty with the country’s priorities and best interests.
As a consequence, the reconstruction is delayed once again for months.
I am appalled with these elected officials in our highest chamber, willingly sabotaging the reconstruction of the airport and the rebuilding of our economy.
Skledo Kirindogo