Creating a new tourism destination concept

Dear Editor,

What would happen if an entire tourism destination was dedicated to expressing tourism legacy in a new way? Wanting to explore the potential for developing a bolder and more distinctive concept for tourism destination services and products. Conceived as model to explore future directions with innovative features and enhanced by promotion language that reflects the destination’s unique products and professional services. The new concept may be a radical demonstration of the power of an avant-garde brand that will appear as the tourism destination of tomorrow.

Does it sound like a politician’s biddle-boo diddley squat? It doesn’t mean to be disrespectful or contesting any existing shortcomings in a heavy-duty script.

Ever heard of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? Academic courses in marketing teach Maslow's hierarchy as one of the first theories as a basis for understanding consumers' motives for action. Marketers have historically looked towards consumers' needs to define their actions in the market. If producers design products meeting consumer needs, consumers will more often choose those products over those of competitors, thus increasing sales.

It is an art to remain down-to-earth, yet achieving something that is almost heavenly for many. It may not be the concept that is referred to, but the following may provide some food for thought.

He dropped out of high school at age 15, he bought an uninhabited Caribbean island at age 28. He developed it to serve as a family private retreat. It was not supposed to be a tourist destination. Yet now, years later, it can be booked anytime of the year for exclusive use from US $105,000 per night. During selected weeks of the year, the island opens up “hotel style”, allowing guests to book individual rooms US $5,150 per night.

“Don't bother doing something unless you're radically different from the competition,” according to Sir Richard Branson, the man behind this example and described as a man with an innovative spirit, deeply committed to sustainability and environment, as well as wildlife preservation, with an outlandish lifestyle, and who turns his visions into reality.

The point is not about telling anyone what to do or suggesting to go to extremes. It is not about how much is invested. It is about a philosophy or vision that offers an exclusive escape, where guests can escape the pressure of everyday life and immerse themselves in the tranquility and beauty of Caribbean’s natural beauty and feel totally and truly at ease. Branson’s personal philosophy is embracing new experiences, and constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible that will be encapsulated in unique experiences. How about that for creating a new tourism destination concept?

It brings us back to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs which is used to study how humans intrinsically partake in behavioral motivation. Maslow used the terms “physiological”, “safety”, “belonging and love”, “social needs” or “esteem”, “self-actualization” and “transcendence” to describe the pattern through which human needs and motivations generally move. So, if one wants to invite guests to come to a destination, one has to understand their behavior, lifestyle and culture first. The characteristics and demographics of every tourism source market differ. Don’t expect to get them all. Specialization and exclusivity will create uniqueness.

Why shouldn't a destination be homey; a kind place that has the feeling of a cozy and comfortable home? Why not go “Shabby Chic” which is in essence a feminine design style that reflects a casual and relaxed lifestyle and homelike warmth. Yet, feminine design relates to beautification. Not cosmetics, but the true natural beauty from within of a destination that should reflect the warmth of hospitality and of guesticology which is the study of the people for whom services are provided. It recognizes that there is a vital link between customer satisfaction and brand reputation. The only regret from a stay at a destination would be that the visitor couldn’t stay longer!

A new exciting tourism destination concept harnesses the power of creativity and crosswise thinking to make a unique statement in a hi-class and hi-performance tourism concept model. One must not feel restricted by previous traditional concepts but instead explore new ways of expressing what a tourist destination stands for. It should represent the brand’s destination roots in an intelligent way, without using showy gimmicks. Mind that quality goes in before the brand goes on. Yet, some believe that guests can be induced to swallow anything, provided it is sufficiently seasoned with praise, and they promote it with ample braggadocio.

In character and performance, a new tourism destination concept should be the most advanced focused model yet to come to the industry and be uncontaminated by the world around it. The concept shares the core values of the brand: progressiveness, comfort, warmth, quality and functionality and combined with authenticity, creative culture and innovative thinking. That may be an exhausting lot to think about.

Create a different atmosphere than is found elsewhere. It’s no good to copy others, but it does make sense to be inspired by others to come up with new ideas. In a region where the ocean hugs the shore, a destination can be an experience offering an extensive range of features that go above and beyond expectations.

“Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable,” according to William Shakespeare, who also said: “Be great in act, as you have been in thought.”

So, let’s run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it.

Colonel Bud Slabbaert

The Daily Herald

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