Deeply saddened by tragic passing of spouse of political party leader Oualichi Movement for Change Olivier Arrindell

People of St. Maarten,

It is with a deep feeling of sadness that I address you today. I would first like to extend my sincerest condolences to the family and friends of the deceased. Secondly, I wish those injured and affected a swift and full recovery. This act of violence is not in line with St. Maarten’s friendly island values of peace and unity. As your Governor, I therefore state that I unequivocally condemn all acts of violence.

Addressing whatever issues there may be via violence is not the path our country should be taking. In moments like these, it is essential for us to come together as a community. We must ensure that division does not prevail, but rather unity, as we continue to work together on the basis of freedom, equality, peaceful co-existence and solidarity.

I urge everyone to remain dignified and peaceful and allow the authorities to carry out a thorough investigation.

Let us use this moment to strengthen our resolve to build a community where, in good St. Maarten tradition, differences are settled through peaceful means where every individual feels safe and valued.

God bless every one of you and your families and God bless St. Maarten.


Governor Ajamu Baly

The Daily Herald

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